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I’m Alexa Claire.

I officially started Moments with Alexa Claire in 2019 to support young people on their journey to live intentionally, think reflectively, become comfortable with vulnerability, own their individual power, and find strength in community.

The theme of our collective story is about owning our individual power. It’s about finding comfort in vulnerability so we can be honest with ourselves in our reflections. It’s about living intentionally so we can be certain that our lives are of our own making. Finally, it’s about coming together and sharing our moments as a community of young people just trying to figure ish out.

I’ve always loved stories. I was that kid whose parents would threaten to take away her reading privileges as a form of punishment because reading and getting lost in fantastical adventures was all I was interested in. It was those books with the heroes and villains that kept me awake at night, wondering when I would get the chance to be the hero of my own wondrous experiences and slay the villains. I figured, “When I grow up,” was a sufficient answer.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to learn–like all of you, I’m sure–that the world isn’t so black and white. More often than not, I was acting the roles of both hero and villain—disparaging my appearance, intellect, and opinions, while simultaneously doing what I could to support my dreams of success. How naïve. Here I was, so ready to be my own heroine, that I hadn’t taken the time to look in the mirror and assess my own internal pain points. Until I had allowed myself the time to do the self-work, how could I ever have expected to fully handle the villainous blows of self-doubt, body image issues, anxiety, and more?

I don’t promise to have all the answers. I don’t have the key to living the best life you can live. Life, vulnerability, community, and power, are all deeply complex and have unique definitions for all of us. There is no one-size fits all “quick fix” to figuring them all out. But there is one thing I do know: giving yourself the opportunity to think reflectively about all those little moments of your life will end up serving as your own personal formula.

That’s where this website comes in. I want this to act as a sounding board for us to come together and share our reflections so we may help one another inch closer and closer to living the lives we want, in the way we want. From raving about our adventurous travels to debating our thoughts on current events to thinking deeply about our lived experiences, every moment counts.

Will you join me in weaving together our stories?